I call the service I offer “Reprogramming Coaching,” because everything I do transforms on a profound level what we perceive, what we think, what we believe and, consequently, the way we interact with ourselves and with the world.
Ser congruente tiene un costo, que a veces estamos dispuestos a pagar. Otras veces no. Es un proceso de desapego y convicción
Within my experience and my knowledge, I have learned different ways of working. All of them in a safe, harmonious and profound way, both online and in person. These are some of the services I offer.
The transformative capacity of the human being is impressive. I have learned this through various
paths, all powerful and wonderful. These are some of them, presented to the world in the form of
techniques or tools.
“Ending a relationship led me to realize that I had to work on detachment from people. A friend went through something similar and told me who had helped her and seeing the positive change in her, I decided to make an appointment with Solange. From that first appointment, I felt very comfortable, confident, and even better, I felt a change in me. It made me realize that you don't have to be at the worst time to work on yourself and the importance of knowing yourself and knowing how to identify when it's the right time to seek help.”